Sensei Scott Langley - 6th Dan - is one of the youngest people ever to win the World Championships and has over 25 year’s experience practicing and teaching karate. Scott spent 5 years studying at the Japan Karate Shotorenmei World Headquarters in Tokyo and graduated from the infamous Instructors’ Course, one of only 5 foreigners to do so in its 55 year history.

“Scott Langley is one of the few instructors to have learnt karate in Japan from the source. He teaches the true art of karate. In Europe this is very rare and should be taken advantage of!” Yutaka Koike 5th Dan – All Japan Champion.

“Scott Langley is one of the few instructors to have learnt karate in Japan from the source. He teaches the true art of karate. In Europe this is very rare and should be taken advantage of!” Yutaka Koike 5th Dan – All Japan Champion.