Några mycket enkla regler som många fått om bakfoten:

  1. Sensei är ett suffix, det kan ej användas som prefix. Det heter således Roy Sensei, inte Sensei Roy.

  2. Man skriker inte "Kiai". Man kan med magen pressa fram i stort sett vilket ljud som helst, utom just "Kiai".



I started writing articles when I was twenty-two years old – what did I know? Four short years earlier my A Level history teacher had called me semi-illiterate after I handed in a sloppily written essay. However, youth is wasted on the young and wisdom is wasted on the old. With childlike...

Karate Clever

It was July 2002 and Scott Langley had just graduated from the Japanese Instructors’ Course in Tokyo. He returned to Europe with a mandate to build a strong karate group in the UK and Ireland. In a decade that witnessed the implosion of most groups, he built up one of the largest organizations in...

Karate Stupid

The Japanese Instructors’ Course is infamous in the Karate world. In 1997 it had been running for 50 years, with less than one hundred people successfully completing it – only four of which had been non-Japanese. In the same year Scott Langley was at the top of his game, a third degree black...